Weekly Class Subscription

Weekly Class Subscription are great for no hassle class payments. Monthly direct debit payments come straight out of your account. No need to wait at the door just simply wave or nod your attendance as you enter so our door team know you are here.

Great way to make savings on your weekly classes plus 15% off of Workshop and party events. you will also gain access to all Online content at EastonSwing.com.  This is really handy as a tool to help you revew and consolidate what you are learning in class.  Also great for holidays or extended work assignments which may mean you have to miss class.

From: £10.00 / month with 1 week free trial

Your subscription may be paused at any stage if you have a planned holiday or ill.  Missed classes can be made up by attending one of our other venues but not rolled over to the following month. In a month where there are only 3 scheduled classes, again, you are welcome to join another class venue to make up the 4th class.