During classes, you’ll practice to an array of musical styles and genres with various rhythms and tempos. As well as, enjoy the music played for the social dancing period after class to continue to practice or just forget everything and have some fun getting into the groove.
Our West Coast Swing Classes are held 40 weeks in the year so you can depend on us being there teaching you every week. On the odd occasion we are abroad we have cover from some of the best UK WCS instructors.
Attendance is directly aligned with progress, our most improved members are always our most regular attendees.
If you are on social media then we should get connected, check the links at the bottom of each page in our site.
Is a question often asked by new dancers, to which, the answer is simple, it is up to you? It will depend on your natural ability/coordination balanced with regular practice and dedication to improvement.
But, being, or getting good, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have more fun. In fact, in some cases quite the opposite. We recommend that you focus on learning how to have fun and you’ll enjoy WCS much more for much longer.
Check out the videos, also articles and links on the site to help you develop your WCS dancing. Sign up for our Newsletter, likewise, follow us at our Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram accounts to be the first to get the latest news and content.