West Coast Swing Parties

West Coast Swing Parties are the perfect place to practocr what you have been learning in classes and workshops.   3h+ of non stop WCS dancjng to amazing music from the past 100 years, guest DJ will assist Lee with the playlist.  All of our parties start with a class suitable for new dancers to join.

We especially encourage our new dancers to attend these freestyles to start getting to know all the faces and practice what you are learning in classes. We understand it can be a little daunting to attend a freestyle in a new dance style. Which is why the first hour of the party is dedicated to you.  Music will be of a suitable tempo and the beat will be easy to read to help keep your timing.

Everyone there in the first hour will be more than happy to dance with you and help you to build your confidence on your journey within WCS.


30th August
4th October
1st November
6th December

26th July


West Coast Swing Enfield. Photo depicting dancers enjoying themselves dancing West Coast Swing. With Embolded white text overlayed explaining the location for parties.

24th August
19th October
30th November

West Coast Swing Oxford. Photo depicting dancers enjoying themselves dancing West Coast Swing. With Embolded white text overlayed explaining the location for parties.


7th September
12th October
16th November



25th August

21st July

6th October