Focus Workshop

West Coast Swing Focus Workshop

Ideal for those dancers looking to build the bridge to becoming an Intermediate dancer, workshops are pitched at developing a Level 3 skill set.

Working around one topic or concept and exploring it in depth and detail. Often, teachers will say that they could spend a whole day talking about a particular subject. So, here is our chance to address those moments and give you the chance to look at these topics in more detail.

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EastonSwing’s West Coast Swing Focus workshops held across the UK.

Ideal for those dancers just out of the Beginner stage and looking to build the bridge to becoming an Intermediate dancer. These workshops are pitched at a Level 3 skill set.

Working around one topic or concept and exploring it in depth and detail. Often we hear ourselves say that we could spend a whole day talking to you about this subject. So, here is our chance to address those moments and give you a chance to look at these topics in more detail.

Some of the subjects we will be drawing from for this series of workshops are topics like,
History of WCS
Body & Arm Styling
Dancing to Blues

Many dancers tell us they are not confident in these areas, so we feel it is important to offer the space for attendants to explore and grow their confidence.


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Enfield, London


Level 2, Level 3


Follower, Leader