West Coast Swing Oxford, Headington, on Mondays. You are welcome to join the WCS Oxford group at any time as a Beginner or more experienced dancer. Private parking. Flat/low heeled, smooth-soled shoes are ideal.
Attend as a drop in, book a Beginner course or join our weekly class membership. We look forward to welcoming you to the group. Classes started in Oxford in January of 2023 and things are really starting to build and we’ve just added a party and workshop program to the Oxford Schedule.
This post code will take you to the Reception area, that is a bit of a walk to where class is held. It is much better to use the diagram at the bottom of the page to park right next to the Dance Studio at the School.
Use diagram to find easiest access to Dance Studio Car Park. Try not to park at main reception as the building may be locked when returning to your vehicle.
Check out the videos, also articles and links on the site to help you develop your WCS dancing. Sign up for our Newsletter, likewise, follow us at our Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram accounts to be the first to get the latest news and content.