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West Coast Swing Levels

West Coast Swing Levels

The West Coast Swing Levels system helps the community advance with a clear flow of progression through Levels 1-6.  Bringing dancers together of similar experience and ability can be a huge aid in the endeavor to improve our dancing. As with many systems, It also has it’s drawbacks! Here is our perspective on how it works across the European community. Also, where it works, where it doesn’t and what we’re doing to help you to understand the WCS Level system.


At the largest WSDC events in Europe you will find the need to offer your workshop level relative to your WSDC registry Jack & Jill division. This system is slowly filtering down through Intensives, workshops and regular classes across the world.  Although this is not yet standardised everywhere here is a rough outline of how it works,

  • Beginner – Just starting out (Often not catered to at large events) | Level 1
  • Newcomer – Got the Basics of social dancing. Compete in this division until have confidence to venture forward or after a 1st place. | Level 2
  • Novice – Have a firm understanding of WCS. No prerequisite to enter this division. Considered the entry level for J&J competitions. | Level 3
  • Intermediate – At least 16 Novice WSDC points required. Dancers usually beginning to travel internationally for events. | Level 4
  • Advanced – At least 30 Intermediate points. Many dancers at this stage have begun teaching and other apprentice roles, great dancers. | Level 5
  • Allstar – At least 60 Advanced points. Semi-Professional & Professional Teachers, Judges, all round fantastic dancers. | Level 6

Note – The main body of the Social WCS community, at least in the UK, fits between Levels 1-4, with a sprinkle of Levels 5 & 6. An ‘Advanced’ workshop attendance does not give you access to the Advanced level of competition nor Level 5 workshops.

Having said all of this, you should realise that that levels fluctuate from region to region and event to event.  If assigned Level 3 at one event, it won’t guarantee you will receive the same level at the next event.  

Where did ‘Levels’ come from?

West Coast Swing Levels came to the Global WCS community when Europe joined the party, in the mid 2000’s.  US Pro’s started to get invited to Europe and European Pro’s started travelling to the US in equal measure.  It is our understanding that Sea, Sun & Swing was the first event to incorporate a ‘Level’ system in WCS workshops which was adopted from the Lindy side of the event. So, somewhat of a natural progression for a lot of the Southern France community. Even with it being familiar to the local community. There were still rumours of the ‘Crying room’ where unsatisfied dancers found themselves.

Nevertheless, the Level program of workshops was largely welcomed warmly by the US instructors who were not very familiar with this event set up but saw the benefits immediately.  At Midland Swing Open in 2010, we began offering an ‘Advanced’ level workshop track. Held in a tiny room and included 4 workshops throughout the weekend. Your ticket into the workshop required you to have Advanced WSDC points and became the first levelled workshop in the WCS UK community.  It is amazing to think how many of the dancers in those workshops are now European Allstar and Champion dancers, Event Organisers, Teachers and Judges located all over the world.

When it works well?

Offering a comfortable space within which to learn is so important. Some Level 2 dancers can feel pressured when higher level dancers are in the rotation or simply in the room. New dancers can also feel intimidated by not knowing who to ask to dance in the social dance parties.  In fear of asking the ‘wrong’ person they sometimes don’t ask anyone at all.  

Grouping dancers together by ability allows teachers to tailor the information they are offering to guide the group to get to the next stage of their development.  Often an instructor will base a workshop off of what was witnessed ‘en masse’ within a J&J division knowing that they have that group the following day in class.

Having separate Levels can leave for a much more positive experience for both Instructors getting gratification from a larger majority of the group and participants realising the reward of growth  For dancers that don’t compete there is usually an audition process so that you be placed in the level that best suits your dance ability regardless of your WSDC registry points or lack thereof.

To get the best result from the audition process and workshop levels, it helps if the workshop levels are full and everyone attends the audition. Even if you are content with the level that you are already assigned.  This allows the selection panel and general dancers alike to see the full spread of dancers in attendance to make the assessment more accurate. 

When it works less than well?

Can be when dancers wear their workshop wristbands all weekend to let people know which level they are.  

or when organisers move dancers to balance Roles or to make groups appropriate for the size of rooms used.

If organisers do not restrict access to levelled workshops and dancers do not use their own better judgement. It can leave instructors and participants with a negative experience of not feeling good enough to achieve the material or concepts in the class.  

There is a flawed notion that the amount of time spent dancing WCS is an indicator of which level a dancer should be eligible for. Every individual learns at a different rate and will have many different factors that affect there personal progression. 

How we’re trying to help you understand the West Coast Swing Levels System.

At our website, you will find lots of useful infographics and documents to help get an idea of the bigger picture and how far along the learning curve you are already.

We’ve also added video tutorials that compliment our approach to the Levels in WCS. 10 video lessons for Level 2 and 21 video lessons for Level 3. We consider these courses to be a guide to the minimum standard for these levels. Learning the material will NOT guarantee you will gain the correlating level at an event. Although, it should give you an idea of what you should be aiming for.

Learning the material on an intellectual level is far from it being a practised technique that can be demonstrated when necessary in an audition or competition. So although you may have learnt all the steps, you might need to practice it on a regular basis to bring the knowledge into muscle memory.

To conclude,

We feel that the level system does offer more positive than negative and although it isn’t always perfect. It does help greatly with the growth and development of the WCS community.  Seeing International events incorporating levels into their events is testament to how well it’s worked in Europe.

The best approach you can have is to take the level offered at face value. This level does not grade you as a human being and you shouldn’t feel unworthy of the higher level. It means that at that event, on that weekend, in that year that you’re of the same ability level as those also assigned to the same level.

 The instructors will always gear the workshop to the dancers in the group. Even if that means them changing plans, not making it through or adding material on the spot.  Rest assured that whichever level you’re assigned, the instructors will cater the lesson to the group of people in attendance.

Feel free to contact us for further guidance or support as you develop in WCS.  Our objective is to help you find confidence within your dancing so that you can enjoy WCS even more.

Wellness in West Coast Swing

Picture of a lotus flower in 2 shades of green above the text West Coast Swing Wellness also in green.

Wellness in West Coast Swing

Wellness in West Coast Swing is an ideology which EastonSwing. Together with Natalie Lockyer Coaching began to promote, through the middle of 2019.  Whilst we’re all stuck indoors during the Covid-19 crisis, taking care of your self physically and mentally is vitally important.

We’ve noticed that there are increasing levels of stress and anxiety amongst the WCS community and we aim to help alleviate that.  Increasing Wellness will also increase your social dancing capacity and leave you feeling better after an event weekend.

One of our goals is to deepen the connections between individuals in the WCS community.  Especially, between the Wellness Westies already in the community and dancers struggling to maintain good balances in their lives. 


First introduced to the idea of Wellness by a Swiss Anaesthetist who was managing us when teaching in Switzerland, Germany and Austria in the early 2000’s. From meditation techniques to visiting Roman baths, we were given the beginning of our Wellness journey, even before we knew what it was all about. We began learning more about diet and nutrition to help maintain energy levels when teaching many long days consecutively, what foods would help with recovery and what we should avoid before performances.  This together with many more lessons we’ve learned have prepared us to achieve our goals and greater stability in our mental and physical health.  

WCS Pro’s tend to be exceptional humans who often share what it takes to be a great dancer. But, there is never enough time talk about what it takes to maintain such a level of function and output.  Every Pro we know goes to great lengths to promote and maintain a healthy body and mind. Our ambition is to share some methods and techniques that the Pro’s use to stay well so we can all enjoy WCS a little more. has already started posting articles on how stay well in mind and body.  Here are some of the main topics that will be covered in existing and future posts.

Physical Fitness

Yoga, Pilates, Workouts, Injury prevention, Posture and Joints, Massage.

Mental Health

Mindfulness, Consent, Self-acceptance, Growth & Purpose, Environmental mastery, Positive Social interactions.

Nutrition & Hydration

Immune Boost, Macros and Micros, Supplements, Development.


Muscle regeneration, Memory retention, Hormone & Mood Stability.


Personal Hygiene, Water Stations, Travelling, 

To conclude, as Wellbeing becomes a more important part of every aspect of our lives, be confident knowing that your dance community is also aligned to this way of thinking.  To this end, in late 2019 we have launched the West Coast Swing Wellness project. The goal is to increase wellness within West Coast Swing.  WCSWellness will highlight many health and fitness professionals from the WCS community whose expertise and advice will help guide us to a happier healthier lifestyle. Follow our social media platforms and Blog articles to start getting more reward from your WCS dancing.

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Natalie Lockyer
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Thanks for reading through this article, Dancing amid Adversity.  For more articles from WCSWellness follow our Social Media and Join our mailing list. Feel free to reach out to us at our Contact page.

How we got started in West Coast Swing

west coast swing coaching,, Lee & Fabienne Easton from EastonSwing, wearing Red & Blue, standing outside at West in Lyon 2016

How we got started in West Coast Swing?

We started in West Coast Swing in the late 1990’s through the UCWDC country dance community. We competed from Novice to the Professional level of Linedance and Country Couples. From there, it is only a small jump as WCS is a part of the overall championship. In Country, WCS is one of the most popular dances for the same reason it is everywhere else… the music.  It’s considered a lot ‘cooler’ than many of the other country dances, especially its counterpart in Country which is ECS.

We first saw a world class West Coast Swing performed when Barry Durand & Lisa West attended the London Dance Classic, August, 1997. They performed their 2nd place US Open winning Showcase Routine to the song ‘This will be’ by Nathalie Cole.  

This was a new experience of musical interpretation and they performed amazing tricks.  Watching these live performances as youngsters made a big impression on us. we’d never seen such high level couples dancing. This, and the abundance of other youngsters to dance with, was what sparked the passion to dance with a partner.

Watch Barry & Lisa dancing =

When we started in West Coast Swing, we learnt through dancing routines with our teachers in Pro-Am competitions. Later, with our dance partners in Open Couples divisions but still predominantly through performing routines. We didn’t realise that there was an entire community dedicated to WCS. Built around a Lead and Follow ‘Freestyle’ or Social dancing environment.

At the time, our Freestyle dancing was ripping ‘leadable’ moves from our routines, sewn together with some pushes, passes and whips of the time. Although pretty confident about being on beat and could hit a break. We had no idea of the level of musicality we could later achieve.

WCS is super cool

The first thing after the music that appealed to us about WCS was how ‘Cool’ the dance felt when we were dancing.  It felt like we could start to express our own personality through the dance and utilise all of the footwork and body mobility we had discovered through dancing solo.  We have learnt many partner dances and love them all for different reasons, but we find it harder to connect to dances like Waltz and Cha Cha because, without going into too much detail,  we are not 200+ years old, nor do we come from Cuba!  

You can dance WCS to songs that we listened to on the radio, by artists that we knew the name of.  As Linedancers, we also danced to a lot of Pop and alternative music as both communities starting breaking free from the shackles of the traditional Country and Blues music.  There was still a lot of traditional music played and we have always enjoyed dancing to Country and Blues music.  But, again it was much easier to identify to music that was being played in mass European media as well as in the US when we visited.

UCWDC Worlds was our first regular trip to the US and we discovered the ‘Swing room’ which was always the late night spot for all the dancers. Often, the dancers in each of the communities, Linedance, Country Couples and Swing were all there dancing together having a great time dancing WCS, with the odd Linedance or Two-step thrown into the mix too.

Seeing the Competitive and Social WCS dancing at Worlds and other US UWCDC events was a big inspiration but at home in the UK.  Our opportunities to dance WCS was maybe only once a month at a weekender with just a handful of people cutting out a slot beside sometimes hundreds of Linedancers.  

That meant that rehearsing and competing with our routines in Country was where our focus was until around 2005.

WCS in the USA

In 2006 and 2008 we attended Boogle by the Bay which was mind blowing, so many people dancing WCS socially. We had entered some regional J&J competitions before. Being at a huge National event that was beginning to draw International dancers was a huge step in our development. First time watching Classic and Showcase live is something that we’ll never forget. Parker Dearborn and Jessica Cox in Yellow dancing to Red Alert – Basement Jaxx or Jordan & Tatiana dancing to Pump it – Black eyed peas.  Without knowing it we were right on the verge of huge transition in WCS that led to it going global. We count ourselves so lucky to have been able to watch the Strictly Swing division. Full of the old school Pro’s who inspired the current crop of Pro’s.

After attending Boogie in 2008 we started focusing towards dancing in the Classic division of the US Open.  That is where our story in WCS really begins!

Get Started in West Coast Swing today with our Free Level 1 Course Tutorial

West Coast Swing Music

west coast swing music, Red Background with Gold over ear headphones

West Coast Swing Music

West Coast Swing music is what keeps us all dancing all night, it evokes our emotions which drives the movement and sensation that rewards on a spiritual level.  WCS has always been danced to popular music. Swing, Jazz, Country, Blues, Bebop, Rock n Roll, R&B, Soul, Funk, Disco, Rock, Hip Hop and EDM have all had there time in the pop charts and you can dance WCS to all of them.

It had once shared music more associated with period swing styles but has grown alongside the evolution of music to reflect the changes and technical developments.  You can literally dance West Coast Swing to anything with a 4/4 signature as well as a lot of 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 and 12/8 signatures that work too, dependant on tempo. Just because you can dance to it doesn’t mean that it’s good.

Start following your favourite WCS DJ’s as they travel all over playing sets for WCS dancers and you’ll soon realise that there is so much good music that we dance to. YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud are amongst the best platforms for West Coast Swing playlists.

West Coast Swing widely accepts there are 2 rhythmical permutations of music for WCS dancing. Straight Rhythm e.g. 1& 2, and Swing Rhythm 1  a 2. A third rhythm which is more aligned to Samba and Zouk is currently popular but it’s too early to say whether it will stay as a part of Modern West Coast Swing.




12 bar phrase structure

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Learn WCS for FREE!

In addition to the 5 basic moves video we offer a Free membership to our Level2 Subscription.  Sign up with your email at our website and get access to more than 20 free WCS class videos.

West Coast Swing History

Back & White photo of men & women dancing west coast swing in a crowded dance floor and room

West Coast Swing History

Here is a brief outline of our understanding of West Coast Swing history that we have assembled through various workshops and personal research into the subject. To figure out where you’re going, it’s helpful to know where you come from.

‘There is only 2 styles of Swing… good and bad.’ – Dean Collins

West Coast Swing in the early days – 1930’s-1950’s

West Coast Swing is born out of competition Swing dancing. Lindy dancers used 6 count ‘Push’ and ‘Pass’ patterns to reset phrasing after dancing a ‘Swingout’ (the origin for ‘Whip’) to an hit an accent on 1, 2. At some stage teh 6 counts became more WWII had a huge impact on how the dance travelled further around the world. It then morphed into regional forms of Swing such as, Lindy Hop – Jump Swing – Flying Lindy – Balboa – Bal Swing – West Coast Swing – Dallas Push – Houston Whip. Imperial Swing – Western Swing – Country Swing – Carolina Shag – Collegiate Shag – St Louis Shag – Hand Dance. East Coast Swing – DC Hand dance – Rock n Roll- Ballroom Jive – Skip Jive – Modern Jive – Boogie Woogie – Swedish Bug and more.

The lost years

Arthur Murray studios taught a version of WCS at the time known as Western Swing.  the dance started from closed position and after the ‘throwout’ began with a walk, walk for the follower. The Golden State Dance Teachers Association (GSDTA) began teaching the walk steps, counts 1 and 2. It also replaced Lauré Haile’s Coaster Step with an “Anchor Step” around 1961. “West Coast swing” as a synonym for “Western swing” appears in a 1961 dance book. Also, in an advertisement by Skippy Blair in 1962 but wasn’t incorporated into mainstream swing circles until the late 1960s. With limited media resources and travel not yet accessible to everyone. All the regional styles are still developing independent from each other.

End of the Century – 1980’s-1990’s

This period of WCS is when dancers started to travel across the USA to attend National conventions. 1977 the first US Open Championships held in Las Vegas and won by Michael & Amber Cross. In 1982 then held, in California and Lance Shermoen & Mary-Ann Nunez were the winners. Since then, there has been many impressions left on the community by it’s champions. Who each had their own personalities and styles. Jack Carey & Annie Hirsch – Lance Shermoen & Mary-Ann Nunez – Wayne & Sharlot Bott – Johnathon Bixby & Silvia Sykes. Sonny Watson – Kelly Casanova – Debbie Rasey-Boz – Robert Royston & Laureen Baldovi-Mason. Robert Cordoba & Deborah Szekely – Mario Robau & Carmen Scarborough – Barry Durand & Dawn Garrish.  All deserve credit for inspiring and steering the community with their amazing talents. Not to forget the Shaggers. Charlie Womble & Jackie McGee – Sam & Lisa West – Micheal & LeeAnn Norris. They have also made a huge impact on the community and the way that we dance West Coast Swing today.

West Coast Swing – Last 20 years

Has seen an explosion of WCS dancing all over the world.  With technology and affordable air travel bringing us closer together. Events like Swing Diego and Boogie by the Bay have helped to showcase the top WCS dancers to a much wider audience. This has inspired so many new people to get involved with WCS. Music has been such a big a part of what has made WCS more accessible to more people. You can dance WCS to any 4/4 timing. That doesn’t always mean its a good song to dance to, but it means that everyone will find something they like. Modern day dance heroes have played a huge role in transferring the ideas of WCS on a global scale. Couples such as Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollmann – Kyle Redd & Sarah-Vann Drake are most peoples inspiration for getting into WCS.   Many modern styles of music are suitable for WCS and will make sure it continues to live in popular culture. We can only see WCS becoming more popular as dance style that fits so many different types of people.

Follow EastonSwing Facebook page for all the latest news and updates. Read more of our Blogs

Learn WCS for FREE!

In addition to the 5 basic moves video we offer a Free membership to our Level2 Subscription.  Sign up with your email at our website and get access to more than 20 free WCS class videos.